Notable Release to Come 2013

Wow, Josh sued them? What a tool. Eh, whatever. That new Queens album suuuuuuuuuuuuucks so fucking hard. I found it on my iTonks the other day. I couldn't even look at it long enough to delete, I just made a disgusting sound and quickly scrolled by.

Hadn't heard of Vista Chino, will check out! I need more Brant Bjork albums...
Listening right now. There was a time that I bought everything John Garcia put out, but it's been some years. And now that I look it up, he hasn't released anything in years, so I haven't missed anything! So far this is underwhelming. Whatever, I'll still buy it.

This is pretty :rock: in case nobody realized.
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awesome cover art alert
Well, I am glad that I am wrong! :lol: It's a long, wild ride of an album.


As per their last couple releases, I LOVED Coyote but didn't really give any attention to Gamma Knife. This new one is a 10yr anniversary album and revisits everything they have done in the band's back catalog...and even more!

awesome cover art alert


I haven't heard a new Entombed for some time but I would buy that based on the cover alone.

I love love love loooooooooooove the first Kayo Dot album and never even remotely enjoyed anything else. :( And yes that makes me sad because they are, quite simply, one of the finest live acts imaginable. I recognize that it is one of those "not you, it's me" type of breakups.

satyricon has clean singing sometimes now i guess
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