Notable Releases: 2015 Edition

Just finished listening to the new Drudkh and I thought it was the best thing they've released in some time (since Estrangement).
The new Acid King RRUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLES! Cover Art courtesy of The Dorian.

I clicked on this thread to say that. When I saw you were the latest response, I automatically knew what had taken place. :lol:
Anyone listened to the new FNM yet?

A couple standout tracks ("Motherfucker," "Superhero") but the rest was very bleh on first impression. Also, it's really damn short.

About to give my first listen to:

ARCTURUS - Arcturian
New Arcturus is perfectly forgettable. No VIBE whatsoever. Vortex doesn't work as a lead vocalist; never has, never will. Shit production too. Next!
For those that didn't see it:


Album cover for my band Tempel's new album. Drawn and painted by Lucas Ruggieri. First track being released monday.