Notable Releases to Come 2009 Edition

GRAVELAND's Spears of Heaven is listed here for February 2009, but there's also a second album slated for later 2009 called Thunderbolts of the Gods.
The Chasm fans: Have you ever bothered to check out Ancient Gods? Excellent band, though they don't have much material. are the already scheduled Prophecy releases for 2009...

Arctic Plateau: On A Sad Sunny Day
Autumnblaze: Perdition Diaries
Dornenreich: Nachtreisen
Geist: Galeere (Lupus Lounge)
Neun Welten: tba (Auerbach) - already recorded, still in mastering process
Subaudition: Light On The Path (Auerbach)
Secrets Of The Moon: Privilegivm (Lupus Lounge)

Has anybody heard the new Mournful Congregation?!?


Released last Tuesday.
GRAVELAND's Spears of Heaven is listed here for February 2009, but there's also a second album slated for later 2009 called Thunderbolts of the Gods.

wonder if they will sound exactly like the last ten albums
That's like asking if the next track on an Angantyr or Drudkh album is going to sound just like the one you're listening to now. The answer is ALWAYS yes. And I wouldn't want it any other way.
i was never the biggest Cannibal Corpse fan ... but their new disc is just fucking mindblowing.
amazing brutality ... there is one track that is almost mathematically necksnapping ... Beheading and Burning ... best DM song since Decapitated's Spheres of Madness
Candlefuckingmass - Death Magic Doom


Monolithe - Monolithe III


Bann - Æschatologia