
The Amazer

Mar 31, 2003
I got recommended a song on another forum by this Italian band called Novembre. The song was "Croma". I was blown the fuck away.

But I forgot all about it until yesterday when I noticed their latest album (with Croma on it) in JB Hi-Fi. I literally cannot stop listening to it. I don't know how to describe it.

It's got acoustic guitars all over the place, clean vocals for the most part (with some of the nicest falsetto I've ever heard), but overlaced with crushing melodic metal parts and screeches/growls in places. It's quite easy listening, but it's just amazingly atmospheric. I've heard it be described as goth metal, but I always associate that term with darker music. This isn't dark... it's pretty. Just provides a very pale atmosphere and I love it.

I have to say, the vocals do take a bit to warm to though... sound overly whiney at first before you get used to them and the whine just seems to go away.

Croma still blows me the fuck away though. It's simply an amazing amazing moment in music.

So yeah, just thought I'd recommend it:

Novembre - Materia


The Promise (Arcadia (Duran Duran side project) cover)