now eating thread (and why)

... whenever i see a post by you, i always think your name is "cumwolfe" and feel really dirty.

Wow, didn't think anyone would get the obvious connections between human bodily fluids and feral canines, but you seem to have hit the nail on the head, bravo! And I told my pet cumwolf that they wouldn't get the joke...

Will be Mince'n'Tatties soon enough, once my student mates stop playing the Wii and start cooking.
A foot-long club sandwich from Subway. They stuffed waaaay too much of everything onto it, but rather than save the rest for later like a civilized person, I tore into the thing like a starved skua, right in the middle of the commons area on campus. It was violent as hell, I'm sure some of the students here with weaker constitutions are going to have flashbacks about it for the rest of their lives.
nothing, because i only have half a patty-melt sandwich in the fridge from dinner yesterday and, though i am starving now, i'd like to have dinner tonight.

Me too, but the only thing I have in my fridge is cat food... so no more food for me today. I desperately need to go shopping for food tomorrow...