Now Eating(!) Thread


Metal Monk
Jun 25, 2003
I got my internet connection back up after 13 (fucking) days of downtime and now i'm eating in front of the computer and making a mess on the keyboard... Does anyone else ever eat while being bored on the web? Anyways, i'm eating:
A soy pizza with too much oregano i just made.

ps. i heard there's a prize for the least important thread this year...
Some spelt flakes with rice milk and whole wheat bread.
nevershine said:
...and hug trees and get all sorts of diseases (like aids)
for not being a good carnivore and beernivore like men are raised to be. :lol:
Your choice.
I only like wood in my drumsticks. By the way, well see which one of us gets cancer first.
Eating shit, drinking piss. Recycling. WWF. Not the wrestling federation. FarmaKON. Tai jjotai. Känni. Käki.
Peanut butter kitKat chunky!

Perkele, olinpas kännissä. En muista mitään. Mitähän vittua mä täällä oon tehny...?? Syöny paskaa ja juanu kusta vissii :D Mutta pitäähän täälläki aktiviteettia olla. Saatana.
/me is eating Jazz, drinking cigaretts.. no, coffee.
Jimmy Smith - When Johnny comes marching home GAY
I'd be so gay if I was a man, or then a hermit. Women are so retarded. Who wants to be one? I'm quitting.