Now Eating Thread (Official)

I think some eel I ate still had bones in it.

But I opted to have some ramen instead of that fish. Some of the best store bought ramen I've ever had, too. I have no idea what flavor it was though because I don't read this chicken-scratch.
8 ounces of ultra lean ground beef 97/3, 6 ounces brown rice, steamed carrots/sugar snap peas and squash. Lots of sriracha, water.
hahahha ... what's with the shitty thread bumps?
are you trying to make RiA's head explode?
An hour ago had some dry ass chicken, dry ass mahi mahi, and mediocre macaroni salad. This is from an establishment that I frequent regularly, but had enacted a one month temp ban on after I had some chicken not fit for a foster home, let alone Foster Farms. It's quite the pickle, the owner is too nice of a chap to come forth with any grievance. I just don't get how there's no quality control on their product. It's either a home run, or a 2 strike bunt gone foul. They put their teriyaki sauce in little 1 oz containers for to go customers, and by doing so turn this luscious syrup in to a gelatinous ooze not fitting for a Michael Bay plot line. Defies the laws of physics, just ugh.
The wife and I got hot chais at Starbucks drive-thru today and spent a good 30 minutes driving around the block, getting back in line, and getting new ones because the first batch tasted like shit. The only good part was that I handed the first ones back to the dude who of course didnt want anything to do with them to which I quipped, "how many cup holders do you think I have in here?"
The wife and I got hot chais at Starbucks drive-thru today and spent a good 30 minutes driving around the block, getting back in line, and getting new ones because the first batch tasted like shit. The only good part was that I handed the first ones back to the dude who of course didnt want anything to do with them to which I quipped, "how many cup holders do you think I have in here?"

LOL, that's terrible. Did you bluff punch him after all this?

PWO - Whey Protein/Maltodextrin/Dextrose
and just finished more ground turkey/veggie/kidney bean mix and a tall glass of skim milk.

im ripping ass like a champ.