Now Offering Reamping (free test reamps for a day)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Wanted to officially kick off the 'reamping' aspect of my services with our new acquisition:


I'll be offering free test reamps for the first day as I come to get acquainted with how this amp is voiced with the HB.

As such, if you guys have any projects with good DIs and some solid backing tracks that you need reamped, please hit me up with the links and we'll get it happening.

After this I will be offering full, professional reamping services. If you are familiar with my level of commitment to engineering and guitar tones in particular, you will know that this is the opportunity to exploit.

Ermz sell that harley benton box and get a Orange 4x12/Engl Pro 4x12 or a Mesa 4x12 (v30)
Please you Rectifier is so beautiful
dont compromise that sound with a low-budget box!!!!!
Many people in the last guitar tone comp used quad boxes. Seems the majority still preferred the HB when it came to picking a winner. It's a cliche but it really isn't about the gear, and *all* about how you use it. However, if you ever decide to ship over an Oversize cab, by all means get in touch and I'll give you my postal address :). Until then I might wait until I have the spare $2,500 needed to get one here in Oz.

Anyway this thread is for some people to get their stuff reamped and for the Recto to get some mileage onto it, so let's get back to that please!
I can also vouch for the fact that Recto cabs absolutely destroy wallets in Australia :(
So you mean you're literally reamping for free in the next 24 hours or what? Or at a later date, for a day?
I'm a bit confused here:lol:
I've recorded for fun open car by porcupine tree, it's quad tracked. Chain is ibanez rg2228>RADIAL J48> profire 610. i've also included raw tracks of drums(superior) and bass (vst). It would be cool to hear guitars reamped by a pro. I put the tracks online for everyone if u wanna practice/give a try too.
Thx ermz

P.s. it's not the original tuning but B-flat and it's the live version
Hey man, I sent a PM with DI tracks for the guitars and bass in my song, I included the drum midi files but they won't be any use :D

I forgot to include a the finished drum track...I'm uploading it now and will send you it in a separate PM dude.

Also, cheers for doing this man :)
Cheers Ola and Chris.

Deadstar, I'm getting a 404 error on your link.

muckypup: Please provide a pre-mixed backing track if you can. I won't have the time to mix midi/bass from scratch myself tomorrow. Thanks.
Fucking evil, and on a side note, I spy the superchunk mound in the bg; could we get some up-to-date room pics to see how it's all set up?
Thanks for the reminder, Chris.

Shadow_Walker, I'll grab that now, cheers!

Marcus, I've been wanting to put up some pics for ages, but it's so shabby and makeshift at the moment. It totally looks shit in here, but the effect that the insulation has had is nothing short of massive. 3 corners are entirely superchunked, and the sidewalls are lined quite thickly. It all functions as one giant bass trap, which is what rooms of this size really need. If I get a chance to snap some pics after covering the corner traps I'll see about putting them up and giving a run-through with what was done, even though it's all fairly elementary.