Now Playin' (It was just a matter of time...)

NP: Ulver - Chapter 3: Graablick Watches Her Closely

Hooray, this is the first Ulver album I've listened to, and its amazing so far. :grin:
Russell said:
That is true :p Have you read that dissotation I posted explaining the concept behind it in the non-metal forum? :) If not go there now and read it! :grin: It's really cool! (the thread is a month or two old)

NP:Rakoth - Jabberworks
I have skimmed the dissertation but I have not read it in depth yet. I saved it to my computer when you originally posted it though. :grin: It's amazing, I've been listening to that album for over 9 years now, and I STILL hear new stuff almost every time I listen to it. One of the greatest albums of all time as far as I'm concerned.

NP: A Perfect Circle - Mer De Noms
NAD said:
I have skimmed the dissertation but I have not read it in depth yet. I saved it to my computer when you originally posted it though. :grin: It's amazing, I've been listening to that album for over 9 years now, and I STILL hear new stuff almost every time I listen to it. One of the greatest albums of all time as far as I'm concerned.

NP: A Perfect Circle - Mer De Noms

Read it now! :p You now it makes sense ;)