Now Playing? NP

Originally posted by Dionysos
@Russell: The album hasn't arrived to Greece yet!!!! I have only this track on mp3...... I'll tell you my opinion on it when I -finally- get it!.....
anyway I like very much samples and stuff into extreme metal.....

I only got the promo, but the musics the same so... ;) Same here, samples used right are amazing! I love them... Its just on Blasterpiece they opened and closed every song with samples, had them in the middle of most as well, and basically used them as padding - every song has the same structure.. Unfortuneately I didn't notice that when I was writing the review :bah: Ah well ;)

NP: Mwahaha
Originally posted by Dionysos
@Russell: Yep I got your point! Thanx for the info :)
But I anyway want to buy this album one day :D

Yeah, it's still quite a good album ;) If you like that check out Thee Maldoror Kollective (there's a review in the reviews section (you can get there by my sig)), they're very cool, you would prolly like them :)