Now Playing? NP

of course......... :D

The Olden Domain is the best Borknagar album. (Well, at the moment anyway, 'cause I listen to it at the moment, but if I put on some other album, then that would probably be the best. That's just how it is with Borknagar......)
@Xenomorph: In your signature, is that part of a song by The Chasm? (Just wondering because they have a song called "Metalstorm (Face the Slayer)"...

Was this question answered? Anyway, "Metalstorm / Face the Slayer" is a Slayer song as far as I know. Perhaps The Chasm did a cover on it...

Hmm, wouldn't it be better if you just could post only the NP-thing (the cd) instead of having to write some nonsense? (I'm not saying you write nonsense, but this "...." is nonsense:D)
Originally posted by Averathinx

Hmm, wouldn't it be better if you just could post only the NP-thing (the cd) instead of having to write some nonsense? (I'm not saying you write nonsense, but this "...." is nonsense:D)

Hehe, I've thought about that myself.

But you can limit "..." to just "."!! :lol: :D