Now Playing Thread

RIDE: Polar Bear

first time listening (only "deeper down", "love's intolerable pain" and "l'amour detruit so far) and it does not seem to be on the level of the last two albums. they have tried a couple new things on the vocals and i haven't gotten used to them - like the beginning of "deeper down". they should have employed aaron's growls more.
i hope the other tracks are better than these. i was looking forward to this album. it seems that it will take some time to set in.
Nothing because I've lent my 160G external hard drive (where I keep all my MP3s and rip all my CDs to) to a friend who has now gone back to Uni, so it's at his and I'm going to have to wait for his mam to get back before I can go and get it.

And he only manged to get 2 days worth of music off it anyway!


And yes I have CD's it's just a lot easier finding my ripped music and MP3s through MediaPlayer, because I'm not very organised with anything, least of all CD's and DVD's.