Now Playing Thread

just listened to: Beethoven Symphony No.3 - Karl Bohm
simply amazing.

np. Nightingale - Alive Again: The Breathing Shadow Part IV
I am addicted to this record after getting it a week ago...this album rocks, Dan Swano's clean vocals are awesome, and the guitar leads pwn :headbang:, definitely better than Dream Theater :heh:
definitely recommended!
Rubbish. The Beatles have many a more flawless album than that, namely Revolver & Rubber soul. Besides why would you wana listen to just Mick's pretty average voice when you could have a choice Of John Paul & George?
On a side note, the stones had their first hit with a song that the beatles wrote for them, enough said!

I was referring to the song, not an album.

Yes, the Stones weren't the best songwriters. Of course the Beatles were better, in every aspect.

But 'Gimme Shelter' is a perfect song. The Beatles wrote perfect songs too, but... this record just seems unbeatable to me. the vibe, the performance, the passion, the skill, the tightness, the energy...

Fucking amazing.

*EDIT* np: Spooks - 'Sweet Revenge'