Now Playing Thread

M_W, the day you can be both funky and oddly erotic the way Nikka Costa can, and the day you can write an album that's FULL of anthems like 'A Rush Of Blood To The Head', is the day you can pull that face lol.
just listened to:

Eric Johnson - Venus Isle
Pachelbel's Canon & Gigue in D Major
King Crimson - In Wake of Poseidon
Hawkwind - Hall of the Mountain Grill

np. Iron Maiden - Killers

M_W, the day you can be both funky and oddly erotic the way Nikka Costa can, and the day you can write an album that's FULL of anthems like 'A Rush Of Blood To The Head', is the day you can pull that face lol.
Maybe those Coldplay "Anthems" you speak of would be appropriate as the theme to a gay pride parade

= a Rainbow
crowded house - four seasons in one day

immortal song. one of my best friends sang this to the school the other day... she has an AMAZING voice. she absolutely made it her own and now even the original doesnt sound as good as it used to.
Maybe those Coldplay "Anthems" you speak of would be appropriate as the theme to a gay pride parade

= a Rainbow

Metal_Wrath, dear, first of all I'd like you to understand that I don't find the homosexuality references offensive, and I also don't view calling music "gay" derogatory in any way whatsoever. If I was childish enough to believe there was something wrong with being gay, then maybe I would, but I'm not. So if you could kindly grow up, it would be much appreciated. If you're going to insult music, or refute a point I make, at least have the decency to say something that might actually offend me :lol:

Secondly, it IS true that the last Coldplay record wasn't as good as the first two. Which is why I referred to the second one, and not it. Urgh.

*EDIT* np: 65daysofstatic - 'One Time For All Time' (album)