Now Playing Thread

Diamanda Galas - Masque of the Red Death Trilogy (You Must Be Certain of the Devil) - Deliver Me From Mine Enemies
kd lang - 'Hallelujah'

This is just one of those songs... every version, be it this one, Buckley's, Wainwright's, Cohen's original, or even Imogen Heap's... gives you something different. All very moving.

I think I favour this version though. Not a fan of the woman as a musician, but I can't deny she has one of the most beautiful voices in recent memory.
kd lang - 'Hallelujah'

This is just one of those songs... every version, be it this one, Buckley's, Wainwright's, Cohen's original, or even Imogen Heap's... gives you something different. All very moving.

I think I favour this version though. Not a fan of the woman as a musician, but I can't deny she has one of the most beautiful voices in recent memory.

I've always loved "constent craving"....great chords....great vocal....