Now Playing Thread

np. Yngwie Malmsteen - Rising Force :worship:

current track: Now Your Ships are Burned

so i'm listening to the 3rd symph again. i can see what you mean that his older stuff doesn't quite have the same oomph as symphonies 4, 5 and 6 which are pretty much godly. but let's be fair, the 1st movement kind of owns some souls here and there

"owns some souls here and there"

wow I am speechless :rolleyes:

I have enjoyed the Tchaikovsky I have heard, Flower Suite, Dance of the Reed Flutes. :Smug:

Derbeder: Long time no see, anyway I can get these Symphonies I am hearing about? ;)
beethoven's chamber music for woodwinds doesn't compare that well with his string quartets, especially the late quartets. don't miss out on the quartet in c sharp minor op.131 and its original finale "grosse fuge" op.133.
beethoven's chamber music for woodwinds doesn't compare that well with his string quartets, especially the late quartets. don't miss out on the quartet in c sharp minor op.131 and its original finale "grosse fuge" op.133.

idk i like this a lot but i definitely wanna check out anything you recommend, so i'll add that to my list for sho