Now Playing Thread

Diagnose: Lebensgefahr- Transformalin, I thought this was pretty good Stephen, cheers for the recommendation, very intense and eerie as hell. Next Enslaved- Vikingligr Veldi, talking about debuts reminded me I haven't listened to Enslaves in ages.
Diagnose: Lebensgefahr- Transformalin, I thought this was pretty good Stephen, cheers for the recommendation, very intense and eerie as hell. Next Enslaved- Vikingligr Veldi, talking about debuts reminded me I haven't listened to Enslaves in ages.

I guess you've heard Silencer? The guy in Diagnose's first project.

Tiamat - Teotananacl
^Yeah, Death- Pierce Me is a pretty solid, now that's an album I haven't spun in years. I had been meaning to listen to Diagnose: Lebensgefahr- Transformalin for a while, just had never got round to it.
Cult of Luna- Eternal Kingdom, just checking it still dominates ;). Might chuck on Silencer next after thinking of it.
Nice to see someone did like Diagnose, trent! And Blacklodge - i like to do that well skinning up.. Is quite a laugh. I like watching the tv channels and listening to the radio when smoking up too.. Always a laugh.

Esoteric - Ignotum Per Ignotius.

FUCK I'M SO OBSESSED WITH ESOTERIC >< ..Think i might listen to some Silencer after this track finishes just because i haven't listened to them in a while either!
No music. But I'm listening to people talking and cars driving on GTA IV.
haha I'm playing it atm, just got up to change the music. Sunn 0)))- Black One. ^Oh and yeah I saw a few didn't take to it over at DD, oh well, I enjoyed it. haha and I'm trying my hardest to not listen to The Maniacal Veil, I can feel another binge coming on :lol:. Off to sleep soon, tomorrow I'll cave in though I bet.
Sunn 0))) are a band i only really listen to when smoking up.. I can listen to them otherwise.. But i like leaving it for when i'm on my own.. or the morning after a heavy session.. And put some on. The Atilla stuff especially.
Yeah I can't listen to them that often, after Diagnose: Lebensgefahr- Transformalin I was still in the mood for intense music like Sunn 0))). I've been spinning Altar a lot recently, which I really like, speaking of I feel like Boris- Pink. When in the mood, in the right circumstance Sunn 0))) are awesome iyam.
I forgot to give you feedback on that one, it was fantastic, cheers. Can't wait to hear more from them.
Esoteric- Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum then Leviathan- The Tenth Sub Level Of Suicide

Nice one, thought you'd dig it! The, i assume synthesised, orchestral stuff is gorgeous! And most of the riffing is fucking genius, kind of like a more melodic DsO in some respects.

Boards Of Canada - Nlogax.