Now Playing Thread

Your loving O&O atm ey. Black Mountain- In the Future, after having their new one for months now this is my first spin of it, it's pretty good. Next, Bjork- Debut.

I sure am! My last fm says that I've played The Zombies 113 times in like 2 days. And that's mostly from O&O. I have to thank Mikael for making me listen to this!

But now I'm thinking about listening to Enslaved's whole disco. Right now I'm on Frost x)

Enslaved - Jotunblod
Ride- Nowhere, far out I love this album, it would have to be somewhere in a top 50 hands down for me. I haven't spun it in months, such a crusher. Aside from My Bloody Valentine's Loveless it would be my favorite shoegaze album. Next Calexico- The Black Light.
Klimt 1918- Just In Case We'll Never Meet Again, finally got around to listening to their new one, it's pretty awesome so far. For memory now that leaves the new Calexico and Fleet Foxes of priority new releases I have to spin. I'll bet there's more, so much musical rape out there not enough time in the day to be raped by it all. Next Dark- Tamna Voda.