Ikuinen Kaamos - The Forlorn.
When the fuck will Epilogue be released ffs it had to be released at the beginning of 2008, no news whatsoever?
Mar De Grises - Sleep Just One Dawn
This is my first spin of the new Mar De Grises and I must say, bloody fucking hell! This is some amazing Doom metal! It's very progressive in places as well.
Good band, get "The Tatterdemalion Express" if you don't have it as well as it belts too.Mar De Grises - Sleep Just One Dawn
This is my first spin of the new Mar De Grises and I must say, bloody fucking hell! This is some amazing Doom metal! It's very progressive in places as well.
^ Try out 'Tragedies' by Funeral and 'Antithesis Of Light' by Evoken.
I've been doing that combo, it's about as good as it gets iyam. You feel so fucking obliterated when Fas finishes haha. Do Earthless after FasEsoteric - The Maniacal Vale.
I can't believe how ridiculously good this is..possibly album of the year for me. Can anyone recommend some similar bands, of a similar quality? I already know Ahab and Skepticism, and I have the whole of Esoteric's discography. Next up is Deathspell Omega - Fas, trying to keep up the level of quality.
I've been doing that combo, it's about as good as it gets iyam. You feel so fucking obliterated when Fas finishes haha. Do Earthless after Fas.
Ved Buens Ende- Written in Waters, then the new Skepticism. Oh and try Shape of Despair, Dolorian and Sahg for example. 2nding tchockys plug as well. Doom is quite good atm, but of Esoteric quality unfortunately that is a rare thing in doom let alone music in general imo. There are plenty of good contemporary doom bands, but Esoteric are the clear kings.