lol I lie a little, I think I managed 2 1/2 or maybe 3 weeks or so for Fas. I managed to stop myself from the rest. But after that 2 1/2 or 3 week wait, it was one of the best listens to any album ever. I nearly exploded. I actually listened to it 4 or 5 times that following week which I hadn't done since it came out. lol at its replay value. Kenose belted the shit out of me after the break too. Was contemplating Fas being the best album ever made and a test was see how hard Fas would hit me after forcing myself to stop listening. Pretty sure it is now after being almost killed by it. Glad you feel the same level of beatingDeathspell Omega - Fas
For fuck's sake, I understand how you felt when you didn't listen to them for a month, disease.
^? What's that babe?
Kayo Dot- Blue Lambency Downward, I'm with the critics on this one, I quite like it. Next Led Zeppelin- Physical Graffiti.
^I'll give it a go. I have one for you which I am np Scuba- A Mutual Antipathy, dubstep album which was upped on DD a little while back. It rapes, pretty hard. The only dub that has really interested me aside from a few odd albums here and there is both the Burial albums. This is as good imo. Next Autechre- Quaristice, have you heard that yet? Gonna focus on 08 releases for a while after realizing there is a fair few I need to listen to still.