Now Playing Thread

Just listened to King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King

Np: King Crimson - The Power to Believe

Funny how i love these two completely different albums so equally.
Yeah it is, they work well together. I picked it up from dd when it came up from there, it is a fantastic record.
Ah thats right it was upped on DD, I trying to think before what got me listening to it again, assumed it was an up.

When- Psychedelic Wunderbaum, this is pretty weird electro, quite good, rather odd though. Next Eivind Aarset- Light Extracts.
Not exactly on topic, but never mind:

Today, I had a Forrest Gump moment. I was at some place and I needed to take the bus home. So, while I waited, I put on Yndi Halda to listen to. Now, this is a bus that comes around only once an hour, so after a couple of minutes, I thought I'd walk up the street for about 25 minutes to a bus stop that has more busses that go in my direction. The weather was awesome - about 27 degrees, without a cloud in the sky.
So after walking a bit and getting to the stop, I thought, "hmmm, I'm not tired, I might as well walk further to the next stop for another 20 minutes, which should have EVEN MORE busses that I could get on, and I wouldn't have to wait more than 5 minutes. So I walked.
Once I got there, I thought "well, I made it all this way, might as well walk another half hour and make it all the way home" and so I did.
And probably the main reason I wanted to keep on walking was because of the album I was listening to. One of the best pieces of music I ever heard, and it also fit completely to the weather and the basic "mood" of everything.
Now, you may ask yourself, what is the point of this anecdote? Well, there is none.

NP: Russian Circles - Station

Current track: Harper Lewis
Yeah Mastodon are definitely amazing, can't wait for their new one.

Enslaved - Vertebrae, then Esoteric - The Maniacal Vale. Definitely two of the best from 08.
I've been listening to Mastodon quite a bit recently! Bloody genius band. And loving the scott walker avatar ;)
Mastodon have never really done a lot for me. I do like them, especially "Leviathan" just rarely in the mood for them. But they are good, I can feel my taste leaning more towards metal atm after months of a blues/stoner/psych rock binge, so I'll probably listen to them a bit. And yeah I'm happy with this sig/av combo, probably actually stay with it for a while haha.

Enslaved - Vertebrae, then Esoteric - The Maniacal Vale. Definitely two of the best from 08.
In terms of metal no question.

Rush- Moving Pictures, then Bob Dylan- Highway 61 Revisited.