Now playing thread

...'cause yeah, two days later we'll be checking out Volbeat, also from Denmark and somewhat related to Saturnus, literally speaking. Their music is nothing like it, though. Metal Rock'n'Roll! Listening to MP3s of their album "The Strength / The Sound / The Songs" right now and picking up the CD itself tonight or tomorrow.
Check them out here.
DeathBlade said:
Godspeed You Black Emperor - The Dead Flag Blues

haha, i was just listening to that (album, f#a#oo) when i went for my walk a couple of hours ago. great song and greeeeeeeeat album..some parts actually bring tears to my eyes because theyre so beautiful! :(:)

currently listening to windir's "soknardalr" album.
Trows said:
Looks like this is one big Bergtatt loving family!

... I give in, I will now give this album a listen. Its not like I have been risisting but just have never gotten around to listening to Ulver much.