Now playing thread

Shining-V Halmstad. Kvarsforth may be a "social retard" with his theme of "self-harm" but, musically this is some amazing songwriting/arrangements. Someone called this "tortured brilliance." Truly a very good description. One of the best discs I've heard all year.
Shining-V Halmstad. Kvarsforth may be a "social retard" with his theme of "self-harm" but, musically this is some amazing songwriting/arrangements. Someone called this "tortured brilliance." Truly a very good description. One of the best discs I've heard all year.

Excactly!!! I´ve listened to Halmstad so much! Probably gonna end up as the 2nd best album of 2007, for me...

Woods Of Ypres - Thrill Of The Struggle

Wow, this song certainly doesn´t make my expectations smaller!