Now playing thread

Swallow the Sun - Out of this Gloomy Light
after that it looks like it's time for....

Satyricon vs. Animal Planet - K.O.N.G.A.


Woods of Ypres - Years of Silence (& the Private Joke)

I'd just like to say that this is probably an above average Woods song musically, but the lyrics just make it really stand out. The whole "we stood on the sand, we stared at the stars" and just the lyrics in general are really fantastic, especially when the song comes before Distractions of Living Alone which was brilliant placement. Ah, fantastic, haha.
^ Feel free to call me Brodie. :) And yeah, definitely will be one I've got to spend more time with. As with this one...

Woods of Ypres - Trillium: The Third of Three Winters (Instrumental)

Edit: Oh yeah, for those who don't know, the trillium is the official flower of Ontario :)