Now playing thread

You'll get sick of HoP rather soon though. Everything's super loud 124923434985 bpm blastbeats all the time so it's a great high for about 30 mins :)

That's the point, Hour Of Penance is about aggression, I doubt that anyone is listening to it an thinking "Wow, this is just so deep."

Also shut up Stefan, Spawn Of Possession put out a killer album this year :)

Blood Red Throne - Ripsaw Resentment
Paradise Lost - Tragic Idol.... first spin, no high hopes.
New Paradise Lost is rather meh, unfortunately.
You still think so? I also thought so at first, but after some 5 spins it started to sink in. Have been listening to it a LOT the past weeks, excellent album. Fear of Impending Hell, Theories From Another World, In This We Dwell and the titletrack are just great i.m.o. Other tracks are also growing more on me (Crucify, Honesty in Death). The bonuses on the special edition are also very nice.
Haha, you returd :) Faith Divides Us was great so I was just expecting more :)
See above ;)

NP: Paradise Lost - Rapture