Now playing thread

Bloodbath - Cry My Name

the bridge riff...

Exhumed - Your Funeral, My Feast :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
Probably the one I've got on my brain the most at the moment, along with Straight Lines and 24 Light Years! Very surprising consedering I normally do not like hiphop/rap at all, but it works very well in the context of this song.
Yeah man, it works great, the rapping, I also really the words he raps :) some very clever wording there. Really like the album, looks like I've officially become a VOLA fan as well :)

NP: Katatonia - Nowhere <3

Sounds of Decay <3 Oh the bleakness <3
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^Glad you finally converted to VOLAism :D

BMD/Sounds of Decay <3

So I've heard a lot of talk about these guys, and especially about the vocalist, but never actually listened until now. Holy shit, what kind of drugs is he on? :tickled:

I gladly converted :)

Archspire, absolutely ridiculous stuff. I'm not really ready for it yet.

NP: Dödsrit - The Third Door <3

Epic new album <3
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