Now playing thread

Haha, it's just a crazy album really. Won't take VOLA's spot though. :)

The Ocean - Triassic
Crazy awesome I say! When I first heard them, it was a sensory overload I just couldn't handle, but after repeated listens the catchiness and cleverness of the music started to reveal itself to me. There are so many awesome transitions, breaks and turns, too many to count! Incredible stuff. What sets them apart is that they use the technical stuff with a purpose and not just to show off. A song like Drain of Incarnation, the clean intro is so breathtakingly beautiful and the way it transitions into brutality is just amazing. And then at the end, they deploy this incredible groove which is completely irresistible, what a song!

Unanimated - The Devil Rides Out :headbang:
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Definitely agree, it's been a long time since I heard a tech death album that floored me like this one

Wilderun - Far From Where Dreams Unfurl
I'm not a tech death fan at all, that actually goes for modern (sounding) death metal in general. So I was all the more surprised how awesome Archspire turned out to be.

Archspire - Abandon the Linear :kickass:
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