Now playing thread

Ludicra – Veils

I never caught them when they were an active band, so I'm terribly excited to see them next week at Northwest Terror Fest. (I mean, unless something goes awry, which is certainly possible in this COVID times.)

Also, hey. Hope you're all well.
Stone - Concrete Malformation :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
Finnish metal scene was and is so fucking good:kickass:
Reeking Aura – Seed the Size of a Spider's Eye

Rapture - This Is Where I Am :worship::worship::worship:<3<3<3

@winters epilogue hope you are well too, Jeremy! You moved to Massachusetts and left Canada behind?

Many thanks, Martijn! I was actually in the far less famous Vancouver—Vancouver, Washington—which is the first city one hits when crossing the bridge between Oregon and Washington. I lived out there for a little over seven years, but the vast majority of my friends and family still live in Massachusetts, so I opted to move back for a variety of reasons.

The Pacific Northwest—both Vancouvers included—is gorgeous, though, so there's certainly a chance I'll move back there someday.