^ Hey Tinus, just to piss you off... I'm going to Lifelover's first EVER show in two weeks.:rolleyes:
Thanks man, I love it, awesome :zombie:

Seriously, that really is very cool, I'm very curious how they will sound live. Anyway, I can't really be too sad about missing that after reading a bulletin on MySpace this morning saying that Dismember is playing an ÜBER AWESOME 20th anniversary gig in Stockholm on November the 22nd, which is exactly the weekend that I will be there!! I booked this weekend in Stockholm a few weeks ago totally unaware of this, so I was quite excited when I read that :) It's gonna be an awesome night of Swedish Death Metal history, I can't fucking wait!

NP: Biohazard - State of the World Address :headbang::headbang::headbang:
Thanks man, I love it, awesome :zombie:

Seriously, that really is very cool, I'm very curious how they will sound live. Anyway, I can't really be too sad about missing that after reading a bulletin on MySpace this morning saying that Dismember is playing an ÜBER AWESOME 20th anniversary gig in Stockholm on November the 20th, which is exactly the weekend that I will be there!! I booked this weekend in Stockholm a few weeks ago totally unaware of this, so I was quite excited when I read that :) It's gonna be an awesome night of Swedish Death Metal history, I can't fucking wait!

NP: Biohazard - State of the World Address :headbang::headbang::headbang:

Wow dude! Nice timing:kickass:

Lifelover - Välkommen Till Pulvercity