Enslaved - Eld

I love my mountain metal , that's my nickname for stuff like Ulver - Bergtatt , In The Woods - Heart of Ages and Negura Bunget -Om
Maybe I'll play them all in a row, so at the end of the day I'll be transcended into another dimension..
Check out the album "We Own the Mountains" bij Elite (Norway), excellent mountain (Black) Metal! :)
Check out the album "We Own the Mountains" bij Elite (Norway), excellent mountain (Black) Metal! :)

Hmm I don't get the same vibes as I do with the others , no lonely man on mountain top here sorry ;)

np: Blut Aus Nord- Our Blessed Frozen Cells
The beginning is something I would normally not like to listen to but this whole piece is amazing.

edit: I was trying to put the vid up by embedding it but now I see you don't need to do that.....:cry:
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