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Lee i would really like to know which Italian cd's ya bought,could you just post a few names in here..but from what i understand you learn Italian to understand the lyrics? (correct me if i'm wrong)

yes but not only the venice dialect is different,i mean every region in Italy has their own dialect,i come from the north,but i could not possibly understand the dialect from someone who for example comes from Sicily or Rome...Well that said i hope you like Italian food too..:p ..goodluck with ya lessons it's cool to my book..:)
Thanks Lee :)..will check it out not for Italian,but i try for ages to work on my French..and it sucks wet nads..on top of that... :yell: French ppl are so stubborn..

Brett..are you Italian too? :)

NP: Arcana - Inner Pale Sun..
Lee_B said:
"nads" is slang for balls :)

Thanks Lee..I had no idea...i don't have them..but their close too the butt..if i remember correctly..:) could we just skip the subject now..please...what i mean to say is leave the "nads" where they supose to be hanging pppfff :oops:

Arcturus - La Masquerade Infernale...
Anathema : J'ai fait une promesse :oops:
(I have NEVER done the valentines thing but there's nowt that says I can't be a cynic while listening to music we had at our wedding now is there? :lol: )