Now Playing

Nope, haven't heard it as yet...

bold statement for the day:

I don't enjoy listening to Segovia at all.:mad:

I give him all the respect in the world for things he did for guitar, but the guy was more of a prick than Yngwie and, as influencial as he was in his approach to playing, I just can't listen to it for extended periods without wanting to headbutt a wall.

:lol: My teacher always hated the segovia arrangements of songs...

He'd always change the fingerings back 'to what they should've been'...
His arrangements don't bother me so much as his tone....and his amazing technique that revolutionized the world of classical guitar (sarcasm...but in all fairness, it did) was far from being as flawless as people like to believe. LOTS of squeeks and buzzes and his tone suffered because of it (IMO)...and that sort of stuff matters sooooo much more on classical guitar than in just about any other format. It's kind of the Hendrix effect for me....I respect what he did for the instrument and how many people he's influenced/inspired, but if I listen to him and form an opinion while ignoring those factors, I just don't like him very much (this holds more true for Segovia than Hendrix to me).

Here's that 24th caprice video:


Var. 9 is just sick
That's awesome, but I much prefer the recording I've got of Slava Grigoryan playing it on Classical as well, but much faster and smoother I reckon, not as long on the pauses between phrases, which interrupt that version in the video imo...
To me, there's a certain point (speed wise) where a piece like that just sounds bad. Case and point: Elliot Fisk


I think his cd of the 24 caprices is the only CD I've ever just given away.

I agree about the phrasing issues with Li me it's not the pauses so much as the way she comes into them. She doesn't end or start her phrases very smoothly so what (i assume) is intended to be rubato sounds more like oddly-placed fermatas.
uhhh....not even a single comment about us about festering the main forum with musician shit? You've mellowed out with age...

But yes, you are 100% correct...sloppy and very rushed sounding. He sacrifices so much tone and musicality by playing it like that. As far as his faces go...I think they are noticeably overshadowed by that bowtie/scarf/collar-liner thing that he's got going, but yes....wicked faces.
uhhh....not even a single comment about us about festering the main forum with musician shit? You've mellowed out with age...

Heh... maybe it was just me livin' on the edge... now that the out of control bachelor lifestyle is done, i've mellowed. You remember those crazy times... me bitching about music discussion... everyone else not giving a shit. Man... that was NUTS!!!

Edit: that didn't even make sense... :(
yeah man....we used to be off the fucking chain...

remember way back when we'd make fun of our Canadian friends for sucking at typing in English? Or how about when you'd post JUST to us about an epic shit. Or when you'd use video games as a metaphor for...uhh...relieving stress? Or how about when Harris would post a battletoad picture and we'd all laugh? What about when SX would release a new album and people would come here posting bullshit about no updates and and we'd make hilarious assertations as to their orientation and IQ?

where has all the time gone....
If you hate Segovia, what do you think of Christopher Parkening?
A Classical Music "snob" where I used to work reccommended him.
(Same guy who was floored by Sy-X, and really liked MJR's orchestral arrangements. High compliments coming from a french horn player! :p)
I have his cd of the 24 Caprices, pretty smokin' IMO.....
I love Christopher Parkening. His rendition of Koyunbaba is stunning. I don't always dig the way he interprets certain pieces (not to say that's bad...but often times it's very different from how I would do it and it ends up sounding funny to me), but he's a very musical player with a good tone and amazing technique. Way better than Segovia ever was, no doubt. When I hear the way some people describe Segovia, it seems to match up more closely to what I hear in Parkening.

I wasn't aware that he had recorded the 24 caprices...I'll bet it slays though
haha, yeah I couldn't believe that you let us get away with that discussion either Zach, you have mellowed!

But seriously, those were the days, waiting for the new Symphony X album, and people whining, and then the anticipation as it grew closer, and then the days of living in fear of instant banning for discussing the leaked album, but just wanting so badly for a glimpse into the new stuff...

Eventually there was just a small group of us who were still on here, until the album was finally released and heaps more people joined up... :lol: Ah those were the days...

Anyway back to our classical discussion... That Elliot Fisk is coming to Adelaide as part of the inaugural 'Adelaide International Guitar Festival' but I'm not going to see him, but I am going to see the Brazillian Guitar Quartet + Paul Galbraith playing Bach, Villa Lobos, and some other more modern Brazillian stuff which should be awesome...

Also I'm taking my mother to see this:

which is the Ossad brothers playing Rodrigo's 'Concierto Madrigal' and Piazzolla's 'The Four Seasons Of Buenos Aires' with the ASO...

It's gonna be amazing! :D
I love Christopher Parkening. His rendition of Koyunbaba is stunning. I don't always dig the way he interprets certain pieces (not to say that's bad...but often times it's very different from how I would do it and it ends up sounding funny to me), but he's a very musical player with a good tone and amazing technique. Way better than Segovia ever was, no doubt. When I hear the way some people describe Segovia, it seems to match up more closely to what I hear in Parkening.

I wasn't aware that he had recorded the 24 caprices...I'll bet it slays though
My mistake, I'm still at work, and not at home, so I couldn't double check. The Parkening cd I have is his tribute to Segovia, not 24 Caprices.
I DO have a cd of that, but I'm not even sure if it's done on guitar or violin at this point. I can only offer the excuse that a) I'm OLD (lol) and b) I have literally 10 large boxes of cds to go through as I'm doing my media re-org.
I might have this all straightened out before I turn 70!:zombie:
OMG GUYS WILL YOU FUCKING STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha, nah just kidding. A bit on edge because i haven't played street fighter all day and i'm still at work. Maybe i can just take a quick bathroom break and play some street fighter.

Note: I actually have the game "Street Fighter 2" on my phone, so this is in fact possible and does not require masturbation.
My mistake, I'm still at work, and not at home, so I couldn't double check. The Parkening cd I have is his tribute to Segovia, not 24 Caprices.
I DO have a cd of that, but I'm not even sure if it's done on guitar or violin at this point. I can only offer the excuse that a) I'm OLD (lol) and b) I have literally 10 large boxes of cds to go through as I'm doing my media re-org.
I might have this all straightened out before I turn 70!:zombie:

lol Fair enough. I thought you might have been talking about Elliot Fisk at first (he DOES have a cd of the 24 caprices). I haven't listened to the Segovia tribute cd, but Im going to step out on a limb and assume (based on the fact that it's parkening) the playing is killer.
haha, yeah I couldn't believe that you let us get away with that discussion either Zach, you have mellowed!

But seriously, those were the days, waiting for the new Symphony X album, and people whining, and then the anticipation as it grew closer, and then the days of living in fear of instant banning for discussing the leaked album, but just wanting so badly for a glimpse into the new stuff...

Eventually there was just a small group of us who were still on here, until the album was finally released and heaps more people joined up... :lol: Ah those were the days...

Anyway back to our classical discussion... That Elliot Fisk is coming to Adelaide as part of the inaugural 'Adelaide International Guitar Festival' but I'm not going to see him, but I am going to see the Brazillian Guitar Quartet + Paul Galbraith playing Bach, Villa Lobos, and some other more modern Brazillian stuff which should be awesome...

Also I'm taking my mother to see this:

which is the Ossad brothers playing Rodrigo's 'Concierto Madrigal' and Piazzolla's 'The Four Seasons Of Buenos Aires' with the ASO...

It's gonna be amazing! :D

the Assad brothers will be classical teacher did a master class with them when he was finishing his Master's Degree and said it was one of the best classical guitar performances he's ever seen. I think you're definitely making a good call in seeing the BGQ and Galbraith show as opposed to Fisk.
Jeez, you guys really know your classical stuff.. *is jealous* & Meedleyx10 - I really don't think the fact that Segovia was a prick has anything to do with his incredible ability to play classical guitar REALLY REALLY well. Christopher Parkening is the man.. but I still like Segovia better. Parkening was way too Christian.