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Jeez, you guys really know your classical stuff.. *is jealous* & Meedleyx10 - I really don't think the fact that Segovia was a prick has anything to do with his incredible ability to play classical guitar REALLY REALLY well. Christopher Parkening is the man.. but I still like Segovia better. Parkening was way too Christian.

That's debateable....if he wasn't so full of himself he probably would've been a lot better. Then, the mindset might not have been "I'm the shit, I'm better than everyone. Every other musician should get aroused in my presence". It's the same mentallity Yngwie has and how his playing has gone over the years. Nevertheless, I pointed out a few things I don't like about his playing...I'm not basing my opinion entirely on his personality.
Eh, I don't think he would've been a lot better if he wasn't so full of himself.. I think then his standards might've decreased drastically and he would've been worse.. and as for his minor flaws with tone, there are some things you just can't fix..
On the contrary...tone is one of the most important things for a classical guitarist (actually...any musician) to develop and maintain. With classical guitar moreseo than a lot of other instruments, technique really dictates tone and Segovia's technique dictated sloppy fingerings, a tendency to produce buzzy bass notes, and a tone that even Segovia scholars aren't all too fond of.

The psychological aspect of it is debatable. Having known countless musicians and being a full-time musician myself, I've never seen someone who develops that kind of ego go anywhere but downhill. Once somebody gets it in their head that they are the best, the healthy competitiveness (sometimes competing with others...sometimes competing with themselves) that drives us to constantly improve and develop as artists is no longer present and there's no longer any need or desire to be anything more than stagnant. In that sense, the complete opposite of Segovia would be Allan Holdsworth. The guy is one of the must amazing musicians to ever pick up the instrument and the guy has a borderline-unhealthy disdain with his own playing....I've seen bootlegs where he'll go up to the mic after the first song while everyone is still picking their jaws up off of the floor and apologize for sounding so terrible....despite the fact that the people watching him are convinced that they have seen a true vision of god. Coincidentally (actually...not coincidentally), the guy has been getting better and better for over 30 years and counting now.
the Assad brothers will be classical teacher did a master class with them when he was finishing his Master's Degree and said it was one of the best classical guitar performances he's ever seen. I think you're definitely making a good call in seeing the BGQ and Galbraith show as opposed to Fisk.

yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing both, they're gonna be amazing methinks, can't wait!
Jeez, you guys really know your classical stuff.. *is jealous* & Meedleyx10 - I really don't think the fact that Segovia was a prick has anything to do with his incredible ability to play classical guitar REALLY REALLY well. Christopher Parkening is the man.. but I still like Segovia better. Parkening was way too Christian.

I don't know about that, there's still so much more to learn yet... :oops:

But for what it's worth, I really don't think the fact that Parkening was a Christian has anything to do with his incredible ability to play classical guitar REALLY REALLY well.

lol Fair enough. I thought you might have been talking about Elliot Fisk at first (he DOES have a cd of the 24 caprices). I haven't listened to the Segovia tribute cd, but Im going to step out on a limb and assume (based on the fact that it's parkening) the playing is killer.

HIGHLY reccommended! It doth smoketh!

The 24 Caprices cd I was refering to was by James Ehnes, and it is in fact, violin.....I swear, I need a curator for my media collection over here.....:loco:
Okay, I just got served. :p :worship:
You should recommend some classical guitarists to me.

Iron Maiden - Running Free

pretty much... :p

umm, Australian Classical Guitarist Slava Grigoryan is brilliant, I'm a big fan of his (really nice guy as well) and his brother as well, Leonard, I've seen them live seriously amazing players... Ricardo Cobo does a brillian job of playing Brouwer which i love... um, in about a week I'll be able to probably recommend any of the guys in the BGQ and the Assad brothers...

btw, Meedley, how did you put in the videos? There's some really good ones of the Grigoryan brothers...

NP: Opeth- Blackwater Park