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PMP: Virgils site is down as well. I bet they are just updating everything or something.

I'm now playing the south park episode were they take all kinds of cough syrup and butters runs naked through the street.:lol::lol:
Yeah, I have them both. Meet the flower kings is pretty good but it is a little boring. They don't move around much. Plus Daniel Gildenlow is on it. Instant Delivery is a lot better video wise but I'm not a big fan of the song selections.

MTFK is my personal favorite if you can get over the fact they are lifeless corpses on stage. If you can hunt down the 2 dvd/2 cd box set that would be the best.
Yeah, I have them both. Meet the flower kings is pretty good but it is a little boring. They don't move around much. Plus Daniel Gildenlow is on it. Instant Delivery is a lot better video wise but I'm not a big fan of the song selections.

MTFK is my personal favorite if you can get over the fact they are lifeless corpses on stage. If you can hunt down the 2 dvd/2 cd box set that would be the best.

hmmm, I don't mind them not moving much, but seeing TTWSYF and Garden Of Dreams live would just be awesome, might go for that one I reckon...
Ton-y-Botl as performed by Bobby Stanton (my teacher):


Bonus points for sweet faces/poses throughout. I want to be Bobby Stanton when I grow up.
I'm getting in the mood of the season as well:

Keep of Kalessin - Crown of the Kings

Earlier I listened to that Lykathea Aflame disc... big thanks Burnout for the recommendation! That one is a buyer. Hopefully willowtip still has it in stock.