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Dan is so fucking amazing!
Disperse - Far Away

Man, these guys play the best prog rock I've heard in years

Best album of 2010^ IMO.:rock:

Haha...Haken is my second pick. My third would be Shaolin Death Squads new album...Amazing aswell.

That Disperse album; although better than the Haken and the Shaolin Death Squad discs is, just like those, pretty meh. Totally not how to produce an album. Doesn't matter if they are trying to be clever. The vocals are also pretty sub-standard. No song really stands out and it starts okay, wavers, and gets better by the end. But it is really just an okay debut by a musically talented Polish band.

To me, the new Labyrinth, Kamelot, and The Reasoning albums all are superior to any of those and are so far, the best albums of the year. Karnataka's The Gathering Light is also quite good; but not as good as any of the ones I previously mentioned.

NP: Kamelot - "House On A Hill"
This rarely happens, but I think the COMPLETE opposite of your post, Prismatic; except I also don't like Shaolin. But that's cool with me I know no two given individuals have the same musical tastes, but it's quite funny that ours are diverging that much.

Now playing Seventh Wonder - Waiting in the Wings
To me, the new Labyrinth, Kamelot, and The Reasoning albums all are superior to any of those and are so far, the best albums of the year. Karnataka's The Gathering Light is also quite good; but not as good as any of the ones I previously mentioned.

NP: Kamelot - "House On A Hill"

The new Kamelot is good? I am genuinely surprised. I would have bet a large sum of money on it being terrible...first album of theirs I've actually decided beforehand not to buy. But now I may have to reconsider.

NP: Univers Zero - La Faulx