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my percussion mix on the ould mp3 speakers for a bit of whacking tomorrow

Loadsa third world spear chuckers banging on drums interspersed with underworld, new order and mr mills (nice one there ikea :worship: )
Bambi said:
my percussion mix on the ould mp3 speakers for a bit of whacking tomorrow

Loadsa third world spear chuckers banging on drums interspersed with underworld, new order and mr mills (nice one there ikea :worship: )

ah sound, new order and mr mills, the miles davis of electronic music without a doubt. hard to imagine he worked with chris connelly on a project called Final Cut, back in 91, can hear the industrial influence in his harder earlier material though
snow2fall said:
I have no clue what you're talking about, but I better don't ask.

ooh, nononoo, no bad intentions here, I referred to the pic Cerulean posted of Ikeaboy, and I checked the link to which it pointed. I think some of them have him, if we can believe Cerulean, hehe, he's doing some deejaying stuff in Dublin in a place called Underwater or Underworld or Underwear, something like that. I just mentioned that cause I had a rather wee pic of him before and he doesn't look in that one like he looks in the ones on that page, especially the one Cerulean posted shows a more mature-looking guy :)

I'm talking freely cause he won't see my post, hehe.

I just thought you saw the pics and altered your view about Ado because of them (I mean like he looks like a human being and all). But of course you might already have seen loads of pics of him, so peace :)