Now reading:

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and The Things They Carried by Tim O'brien
Sinister Mephisto said:
Oh I hate that book so much. I read the whole thing and I think it sucks. He contradicts himself so much and is such a selfrightous bastard. Glad you liked it though...

While "Walden" isn't Thoreau's best work, I do believe he was an amazing fucking essayist. Go read "Civil Disobediance" or any of his letters.

this was all imo, of course
unknown said:
While "Walden" isn't Thoreau's best work, I do believe he was an amazing fucking essayist. Go read "Civil Disobediance" or any of his letters.

this was all imo, of course

What do you feel is his best work?

By the way, I disagree that he was self righteous. He commonly uses "we", "one", and "men"...he rarely uses "I" when praising or condemning a particular something.
future shock - alivin toffler (re-reading)
conversations on the edge of the apocolypse - david jay brown
wild highway - bill drummond and mark manning
the algebraist - iain m banks
Greek Epigram in the Roman Empire: Martial's Forgotten Rivals - Gideon Nisbet
Cicero, Rhetoric and Empire - C.E.W Steel
ideas and dogma, a pure criticism of marxism - david simmons

i like to read alot :) and alot of it is for work too!
and I also like sci-fi by Orson Scott Card.
i read a story of his in a horror anthology i borrowed from someone and never returned ... it's called "Enumerides (sic) in the Fourth Floor Lavatory" and it's a really good and unsettling story. have you ever read it? it's not so much sci-fi as morality play using some really unsettling visuals (ie the "baby" following the guy around)
Just started reading Neitzsche's The Antichrist today.

Also just got these in the mail recently:

Tao Teh Ching (which I've read before)
The Basic Writings of Neitzche (a compilation of several of his works)
The Tao of Physics
The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God? (I actually already owned this one, just never got it back form someone I loaned it to)
re-reading The Ghost Writer by John Harwood
should be re-reading 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King for a project in English

went to the library today and seemed to rediscover my actual passion for reading. i got
Lost on the Darkside - a really awesome horror anthology that was just published last year
The Inhuman Condition & In the Flesh - both collections by Clive Barker. the local library has a lot more of his books than I thought they'd have ... but not Books of Blood, which i really want to read
Progeny by Becky L. Meadows and Eva Moves the Furniture by Morgot Livesey - both books that i picked up in a whim and checked out because they looked cool
I just finished The Secret Man by Bob Woodward. It's the story revealing the identity of Mark Felt as Deep Throat after his death. Pretty interesting summary of Watergate and offers some insight into the world of jornalism and the question of integrity.
i finally got the next Preacher book, Until the End of the World, but it's going to take me a while to get to it since i have to work through all the library books today. but i didn't notice until now that the Progeny book is really just a Phantom of the Opera fanfic (published fan fiction?) and i'm not into fanfiction, so that's one book off my list.
Stormrider1981 said:
Yeah, he's written some junk, but he's written many truly magnificent stories too. The Stand, IT, Desperation and the Dark Tower series are all unparallelled works of fiction.

Yes, The Dark Tower was supreme until the last two books. Now the whole thing is ruined for me.