Tigron of Immanion
Cinna. When I heard about the casting, I kinda paused and scratched my head, but I couldn't think of *any* reason why he wouldn't be a good fit as that character, so I'm totally on board with this. He's even wearing the gold eyeliner in the trailer.
Yep, I went back and watched the trailer. I'm totally on board with that choice as well. Woody Harrelson as Haymitch is a pretty inspired choice, too.
REALLY looking forward to the film now -- and still wondering where they'll end it. End of Book 1? A bit further?
What's weird is that there are people on the intarwebs complaining about black people being cast in Hunger Games. Now, I don't think the author ever identified what Cinna was, but it was pretty clear there was a multicultural cast - but they were even complaining about Rue, who was *blatantly* described as being black in the book! People are stupid. (also, whoever they cast as Rue looks very much like I imagined her.)
That IS weird. Both tributes from District 11 (Rue and Thresh) were described as dark-complected. That doesn't necessarily mean black per se, but it's not unreasonable to assume that, especially since 11 is south of District 12, which was clearly established as Appalachia. That kinda makes it...well, HERE. (The Southeast.)
This was the $1.99 kindle daily deal earlier this week. I'm digging it so far. Abercrombie may fill the void left by David Gemmell's passing.
What?! I'm just getting over Anne McCaffrey's demise and now I read this?!

Finally on the last Harry Potter book round the 5th chapter. Moving on to Wheel of time afterwards
See you in about...2 years.