The title of my post is "Now NOT Reading..." I have The Name of the Wind, by Rothfuss, sitting on my night stand about one-third read. I have been working on it since the summer. Sigh. My daily time management (or lack of it) has shifted so much over the last couple of years that my novel-reading has basically ceased. I just don't find large chunks of time available to make any headway on a novel. If I try to read at bedtime, I'm asleep in 5 minutes.
On the other hand, my consumption of comics and graphic novels has skyrocketed, for the same time-management reasons. Those can be finished in much shorter time intervals. Have 10 minutes before the kids get home? Read a comic. A nice bathroom break is imminent? Grab a graphic novel.
My favorite leisure hobbies have always been reading, movies / TV, and music. At any one time, I always had time to do really well on 2 of the three, and the third would lag behind. With the ease of watching things by streaming now, and since I can multitask while watching things, movies & TV are still a big thing. My "reading" has split into two sub-hobbies, books and comics; right now, comics are winning out. And my only real time to absorb music is in the car, so that has faded almost to oblivion, too.
If I ever do finish Name of the Wind, I know that the sequel is even longer, and so I would be hesitant to start it. Check with me at PP XV to see if I got it done