Now Reading...

Damn this was good.

Finally done with Republic of Thieves. zzzz. Parts of it were good, but I'm still trying to put my finger on what exactly bothered me about this. It didn't feel like Scott had a good solid *plan* - no clever plan/event/reveal that connected the three different stories happening. And he swung that feminism bat REALLY hard. I'm okay with the concept, but a little more subtlety, dude; in the previous two books, it was simply a fact of existence, but in this one, it was made a very obvious point of conflict; a lot more telling than showing, and I kinda felt like I was being preached to; even if I'm in the choir, I expect a little more finesse in the storytelling.

He's still a champ at character dialogue, though; even if I was bored with the overall goings-on, I still got quite a few lols out of the characters bantering with each other.
@spag and tenth dreamer deceiver – Is Dr. Sleep any good? And does it help to have recently read The Shining? I have The Shining in my digital queue at the library. Read it back in the Stone Age when I was in Jr. High School and didn’t want to pay for another !

I think it helps a bit to have read The Shining. I've been busy with other books and really want to devote a weekend to finishing Dr Sleep.

Right now, I'm reading The Circle by David Eggers.
I think it helps a bit to have read The Shining. I've been busy with other books and really want to devote a weekend to finishing Dr Sleep.

Thanks! My digital copy of The Shining just became available from the library. I had forgotten most of the background (that's what happens when 30+ years passes), so I think it will be good to get a refresher.
Btw...I have to give a huge thumbs up to an E-book I just finished recently.


A linguist professor escapes the jungle and brings back a specimen that should not exist. Unknowingly, he unleashes a global plague that makes "The Walking Dead" look tame.

A team heads back into the remotest jungle in the Amazon to find where the specimen came from along with an antidote. What they find is not what you expect.
About 1/4 through The Republic of Thieves, and I'm liking it quite a lot, actually. I'm not seeing the rampant feminism that Jaime sees, but perhaps that doesn't pop up until later? My only problem with it is some grammatical errors. Nice to start seeing some background on Sabetha. As to why he likes such an annoying character so much... well, she's a redhead. Sometimes that's all it takes. ;)
About 1/4 through The Republic of Thieves, and I'm liking it quite a lot, actually. I'm not seeing the rampant feminism that Jaime sees, but perhaps that doesn't pop up until later?

It kicks in later - Sabetha pretty much stands up and *announces* it. You can't miss it.



<3 :)
Recently Finished&#8230;

Helen Fielding &#8220;Mad About the Boy&#8221; &#8211; The third installment in the &#8220;Bridget Jones&#8221; series of books&#8230;I picked this one up from the library, as I didn&#8217;t want to pay for it. Was afraid I would hate the book, as I knew about a particular element of the plot that I was NOT happy about. It ended up being much funnier than I expected.

Michael Pollan &#8220;The Omnivore&#8217;s Dilemma&#8221; &#8211; Yikes. Not sure I&#8217;m ready to go full-on vegetarian, but holy crap, this will make me take a MUCH closer look at where my beef, pork, and poultry is coming from.

Now Reading&#8230;

Ridley Person & Dave Barry &#8220;Peter and the Shadow Thieves&#8221; &#8211; Actually a book written for kids to tell the backstory of Peter Pan. Clever and funny&#8230;and what I needed to cleanse the palate after reading about where our food supply really comes from.