Now Reading...

I *used* to read at high volume when I had a ~2 hour commute to work between waiting for the bus and riding ON the bus, and had an hour-long lunch at work besides. Now, I'm self-powered and I only get half an hour at lunch, so I have to dig reading time out of socialization, social media, and other hobbies. I just don't make the time very often anymore.

I do, however, have an international trip coming up soon that's going to involve upwards of 40 hours total between planes, airports, and buses, so you better believe I'm gonna load up the Kindle!

This comes out next week - I read a chapter over at io9 and was interested enough to add it to my wishlist:

I get sad when I compare how much time I read now to how much time I used to have for it. On the other hand, when reading goes down, TV and movies go up. Anyway, depending on what time of day it is and whether I predict I will have 10 minutes or 1 hour to spare, my nose right now may be in any of the following:

Boy's Life, by Robert R. McCammon (I remember considering it one of my favorite books of all time when I first read it many years ago, so I am rereading to see if it holds up.)

Scarlet Spider Vol 3: The Big Leagues

Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol 1, by Moore
I average 1-2 books a week, mostly reading at lunch and before bed.

Yeah, that sounds a lot like my wife's reading schedule. Guess I need to stop messing around on metal forums before bed....

Just started A Quest of Heroes by Morgan Rice, Google was giving the e version away for free last year. Not a huge fantasy fan, but giving it a try.
I'm finishing the Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant right now.. probably be done with the last book tonight - I'd read the first 6 many times in the last 30 years, but this is the first time to read the 3rd set of 3.

Anyone looking for a band name could probably find a good one in those books.. there are literally hundreds of metal sounding names. :)
I'm finishing the Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant right now.. probably be done with the last book tonight - I'd read the first 6 many times in the last 30 years, but this is the first time to read the 3rd set of 3.

What is your impression of the third set? I was planning on rereading the original six and then moving into the final four, but reviews of this latest set have not been kind.
What is your impression of the third set? I was planning on rereading the original six and then moving into the final four, but reviews of this latest set have not been kind.

Including myself. I read about ... a third? of the first book and was so bored I never went back to it.
I got about halfway through the first book of the second series before I realized that I really wasn't enjoying the series and I really couldn't related to Thomas Covenent. Not to mention that I have a particular distaste with Donaldson including rape with every story he writes.
I got about halfway through the first book of the second series before I realized that I really wasn't enjoying the series and I really couldn't related to Thomas Covenent. Not to mention that I have a particular distaste with Donaldson including rape with every story he writes.

That's a big part of why I abandoned the first book about 100 pages in.
What is your impression of the third set? I was planning on rereading the original six and then moving into the final four, but reviews of this latest set have not been kind.

The first book of the last series is a little inaccessible at first, but if you can get into it, you'll enjoy it... very much like the first 2 series were.

And yeah, the rape thing is a little weird, but Covenant regrets it until the end.. and it's pretty important to the character development of all of the books.
Red Rising ended up being fantastic. Hell, I even ended up going to the author's website just to read the preview for the next book. I never do that.

January 2015 can't bloodydamn come fast enough. :kickass:

The novel is derivative but it's also extremely entertaining. Kinda like Slough Feg to Maiden.
I'm not currently reading anything, but my wife is reading

And she started out not having any clue what it was about.

Needless to say, this has been a good week.....

I have gotten her the next two in the series as well.