I *used* to read at high volume when I had a ~2 hour commute to work between waiting for the bus and riding ON the bus, and had an hour-long lunch at work besides. Now, I'm self-powered and I only get half an hour at lunch, so I have to dig reading time out of socialization, social media, and other hobbies. I just don't make the time very often anymore.
I do, however, have an international trip coming up soon that's going to involve upwards of 40 hours total between planes, airports, and buses, so you better believe I'm gonna load up the Kindle!
This comes out next week - I read a chapter over at io9 and was interested enough to add it to my wishlist:
I do, however, have an international trip coming up soon that's going to involve upwards of 40 hours total between planes, airports, and buses, so you better believe I'm gonna load up the Kindle!
This comes out next week - I read a chapter over at io9 and was interested enough to add it to my wishlist: