Now Reading...

The first one was decent enough, despite succumbing to some common dragon-book tropes, to hold my interest, and the second one was on sale, so...

Since my son has been obsessed with it lately, I might as well get a start with it...


Also, after going to Balticon over the weekend, I now have multiple extra copies of Brandon Sanderson's "The Way Of Kings". (He was the GoH this year.) I have one friend I can give a copy to, but I'll have to look for homes for the other two.

Good read. Built upon the first novel quite well. I still enjoy the interactions between the magic systems, though that aspect was toned down a bit from the first book. Looking forward to the end of the trilogy next year!
Throne of Jade - the first Temeraire book is full of fun, and the rest of the books are good, but they don't have quite the same sparkle.

Lightning Thief - read that one, it was okay, was not inspired to read any further.

The new Diana Gabaldon book comes out next week, so my butt will be parked on the couch reading *that* for a couple days.
Just finished Markus Zusak’s “The Messenger”. Can't decide if the ending was brilliant or crap. :erk: But I'm still thinking about it, which I guess is a win from the author's perspective...

Also reading Dr. Andrew Weil's "Eating Well For Optimal Health", although I keep swearing I am not going to buy any more diet/nutrition books. I guess I think that if I keep reading them, I will stumble across the secret to losing weight and improving health while eating Double Stuf Oreos. Hasn't happened yet. :goggly:
I don't get to read like you voracious suckers, so I'm happy that I finally got to the end of Mean Deviation tonight. Very cool book.

Next up will be Not Just Tits in a Corset.

This is the first time I've bought a DG book on Kindle instead of the paper version. I'll probably buy that later just to be a completionist, but it's a lot easier to balance the Kindle than an 800pg hardcover on a marathon reading session.

This is the first time I've bought a DG book on Kindle instead of the paper version. I'll probably buy that later just to be a completionist, but it's a lot easier to balance the Kindle than an 800pg hardcover on a marathon reading session.

It hurts less when you fall asleep and drop the Kindle on your face too.

Um, so I'm told.
Reading Miss Peregrines' Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs and Beware the Night by Ralph Sarchie for which the new movie Deliver Us From Evil is based on. I have gone to bed for the last 2 nights a little freaked out because of this book...