Lisey's Story - Stephen King
Just finished up with Jonathan Maberry's latest called "Code Zero" and it may be his best book yet. One of the best when it comes to high-tech military, horror/thriller type novel (at least in my opinion). And just started "Ex-Purgatory" from another favorite, Peter Clines, which I see Mr. Gaines has already posted and I am curious if it stands up to the rest of the series?
And just started "Ex-Purgatory" from another favorite, Peter Clines...
I think it was Jaime that suggested this one a while back, and I'm just getting to it now. Alternate history with dragons!
Robin Hobb's "Assassin's Apprentice" is 99 cents for the Kindle right now. If you like your epic fantasy dystopic and depressing, this one is excellent! (seriously, this is one of my favorite books - you can get away with reading just this and none of the rest.)
Cool. I'll give it a go at that price.