Kenneth R.
The American Fantasy Tradition by Brian Thomsen. A collection of short stories by American luminaries from Irving and Hawthorne to Wolfe and Card and all intermediate points. While Thomsen's introduction and argument- for the individualism of American writing as compared to European- fails utterly on his lack of strong evidence and poor choice of example, the collection itself is outstanding. Thomsen is clearly one of those blindfolded Americans stuffed full with patriotism and not much room left for active intellect. The dedication and preface both reference 9/11 (unnecessary & unrelated?), and his writing structure and diction in particular, with special regard to his use of only a handful of references, show his greenness to the literary world. It is a world where he knowingly walks among the Seqouia Giants of the authors he chooses to include in his book.
In short, an excellent read. Just skip the editor's comments.
In short, an excellent read. Just skip the editor's comments.