We went to the mall tonight. I needed some stuff from the Sears Hardware dept. and I needed to pick up "Legacy," the next book in the Drizzt Du'orden series. When we left, it was drizzling. The mall is about 5 miles away. By the time we got there, it was dark. I had to turn the headlights on, even though sunset was 2 hours away. It had started raining pretty hard, so I dropped Yardley off at the door to Barnes & Noble and went to park. It let up a bit after I parked, so I didn't get to wet. As I was walking into the store, I noticed quite a lot of sirens going off. Not the kind from emergency vehicles, but the kind that go off when there's a tornado. Ut oh. I get inside and Yardely tells me that she was waiting in the vestibule and an employee came and asked her to come into the store and away from the windows as a tornado had been spotted. More ut oh. We started poking around the store a bit. I noticed that there was some kind of announcement repeating in the mall. It wasn't a "will the parents of Jimmy Thompson, please come get your brat from the customer service desk." We walked out to check it out. They were saying that a tornado warning had been issued, "please move to a service hallway and move away from all windows." Some of the stores started closing the grates that secure the store when they are closed. We went back into B&N. After a couple more minutes, they made an announcment that they were going to close the store, "please move to the hallway near the restrooms." Yardley had found a cookbook from The Berghoff Restaurant and was very excited about it. She really couldn't have cared less about a tornado. I walked over to the next isle and grabbed a book about U.S. flyers participating in The Battle of Brittain, then we went to hang out near the restrooms. We hung out there for about 10-15 minutes until mall security told the B&N employees that the tornado warning had ended. We put our books back and headed over to Sears. Got the stuff there and went back to B&N to get our books. On the way out of the B&N on the way to Sears, Yardley spotted a book and pointed it out to me. When we returned, I grabbed a copy, she got her cookbook, and I got a copy of "Legacy." We left the mall, both a bit giddy because we had each found an exciting book. Hers is the cookbook. Mine is "Jhegaala" by Steven Brust. The Vlad Taltos books are one of my all-time favorites, and I'll be reading that as soon as I finish "Exile." Drizzt will have to wait.
So the moral of the story is, if you are going to be caught out in a tornado warning, you can do a lot worse than getting stuck in a book store.
But I'm pretty damn happy that Steven Brust has released a new Vlad book!!
Pellaz, what's the story with "Elric: To Rescue Tanelorn?" Is it a collection of shorts? Are they from other authors, or they MM's works? I noticed Elric at the End of Time is included. Looks like another compilation, but I didn't have much time to thoroughly check it out. Horrible cover art though.