I am a leaf on the wind
Maybe I should try that Drake book next. I'm not digging Armor at all so far. The writing seems really amateurish or something. Having a hard time getting into his style.
Maybe I should try that Drake book next. I'm not digging Armor at all so far. The writing seems really amateurish or something. Having a hard time getting into his style.
lol at 'Mil-porn.' So far, there's been nothing like 'porn' at all.....
Sometimes the military details can get a little smothering, though.![]()
I need another multi-charactered, multiple storyline series. Terry Brooks has been recommended to me, but I know nothing of his work. Any input?
Finished Reaper's Gale which unfortunately catches me up with the Erikson books. Now the hated read-and-wait-a-year cycle starts.
I need another multi-charactered, multiple storyline series. Terry Brooks has been recommended to me, but I know nothing of his work. Any input?
NR: Child of a Dead God - Barb & J.C. Hendee.
His most despised work is probably his first, Sword of Shannara, since it's borderline (some would say not even borderline) plagiarism of the Tolkien story structure.
His most despised work is probably his first, Sword of Shannara, since it's borderline (some would say not even borderline) plagiarism of the Tolkien story structure.
It's kept me from reading any of his Black Company books, which is a shame since I've heard they're great.
Heh. Brooks was just recommended reading, not necessarily a match to what I am looking for.I hope those two sentences are not directly related! If someone recommended Brooks to you as a holdover fix between the next Steven Erikson or George Martin, then that person should be flogged about the head with a hardback of Atlas Shrugged.
Toll the Hounds is out in the UK. You could pay ~$40 like me for the new one early. ;-)
MTA that Ian Carleton Esselmont has two books set in the Erikson work: Return of the Crimson Guard, and Night of Knives. I've read Night of Knives (picked it up in Canada) and it's pretty good. It's a story of the night that Surly attacked Kallanved and Dancer in Malaz City and became Emperor herself, from the POV of another character. Worth reading if you like the series.
Have you read "The Iron Tower Trilogy" by Dennis McKiernen? It is the biggest Tolkien rip-off I've ever read. It's so bad that at times I get the two stories confused.
What is funny is that a few years ago, McKiernan tried to sue someone for infringement of ideas.
Deadly virus's are kind of a small hobby of mine.