Now Reading...

What, they have a retail location? Wow!

I looooooove that site. Not only is their shipping always free (even on, say, big CD shelving units) but they are fast as hell, too. I usually have stuff in-hand within 4 days. They sometimes have astonishing prices on, say, DVD box-sets...$10-20 less than, e.g., Amazon and sometimes, no sales tax!

Their 2-for-1 and 3-for-2 DVD sales have really helped fill my DVD shelves. They are my first choice for DVDs, and my first choice for CDs after I shake down the 'usual suspects' (The End, Laser's Edge, Exploding Neds *boom*).

They've only recently branched out big-time in books, but they have free shipping and, unlike Amazon, no minimum purchase to get it.
I recently Finished Oliver North's American Heroes... awesome

Now I'm reading another Michael Connelly novel.... Let's hear it for Hieronymous Bosch!
Reading "Old Tin Sorrows" by Glen Cook. It's the next Garrett P.I. book that I haven't already read. I'm going to go back and reread the other ones I've got that fit in here. I have to find the next book anyway.
Oh, I should also mention, I've finished Weber and Ringo's We Few, which was excellent, but really cried out for an epilogue at the end (as there are some unanswered questions).

I'm skimming Uncle John's Triumphant 20th Anniversary Bathroom Reader right now -- don't laugh, it's chock-full of neet stories and factoids -- and will be starting Sherrilyn Kenyon's Acheron shortly, since it arrived yesterday from :kickass:
Bailey & Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology. I decided that it was time I got my M(ASCP), since I've been working in Micro for five years and I'd like to be able to get a different job at some point in the future.
Now reading...

Mister B. Gone by Clive Barker. :muahaha:


Didn’t know he had a new one. Where have I been? I haven’t enjoyed his last couple of releases, though, as much as the earlier stuff – Cabal, Imajica, and Weaveworld.

Oh, neet. I'm curious to see how that turns out, as a friend of mine* is a Reiki master. I've heard about it a lot, but don't know too much about it.

I’m very new to Reiki (hence the beginner book), but I’ve taken a real interest in the mind-body connection in the last year or so. I have an autoimmune condition that I’d like to knock into remission, and I’ve become increasingly frustrated with doctors who focus only on fixing a particular “symptom”, without treating the whole person. Then, of course, the doctors bill you (and your insurance company) up the wazoo, but that’s a whole other thread… :heh:
You mean A Dance of Dragons, the one that was due out in 2006?

Yeah, yeah. :)

I thought there was some substantiated talk of it coming out (really) soon now, though.

A great book that will suck you in to a long, complex series. Even if you do not pursue the rest of the series...A Game Of Thrones is an excellent book...

Completely agree. Great series so far. There are times when reading those books when you sit back and say "Wow!" and other times when you want to throw the book across the room and say "Noooooooooooo!!"

Didn’t know he had a new one. Where have I been? I haven’t enjoyed his last couple of releases, though, as much as the earlier stuff – Cabal, Imajica, and Weaveworld.

Tough comparison, certainly with Imajica, which is part horror, part fantasy, part SF, and greater than the sum of all its parts. It would make an amazing movie, or better yet, miniseries. He's also a very cool guy.

I’m very new to Reiki (hence the beginner book), but I’ve taken a real interest in the mind-body connection in the last year or so. I have an autoimmune condition that I’d like to knock into remission, and I’ve become increasingly frustrated with doctors who focus only on fixing a particular “symptom”, without treating the whole person. Then, of course, the doctors bill you (and your insurance company) up the wazoo, but that’s a whole other thread… :heh:

Very cool. Good luck!

I've heard from friends who were 'worked on' by Storm C. who said they'd experienced great improvement in their respective conditions, so I'll take that as prima facie evidence that there's something to it. :)
I'll keep my fingers crossed, Pellaz. I'm anxious to find out what's been going on with the OTHER characters that were neglected in A Feast for Crows. I'd also like to find out what happens overall.
Just finished The Confusion, the second monstrous volume in Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle. I should have the third volume done by 2009! :) I recommend this series to anyone who likes globe-spanning historical fiction, calculus, cryptography, or liquid mercury. But it's BIG so plan on spending lots of time in it.

Also just finished The Gypsy Morph, Terry Brooks' third book in the Genesis of Shannara series. Very disappointing conclusion to a trilogy I had high hopes for, since it follows the Word and the Void trilogy that I liked quite a bit.

Just started Bloodlines, by F Paul Wilson, now out in ppb!
