Tigron of Immanion
Do I sound just a bit enthusiastic?
Yep...and that's a GOOD thing. Frankly, I wish more people were excited about reading for leisure.

Note to John/J-Man: have you read Niven's other Known Space books, particularly the short stories about Beowulf Schaeffer?
If not, you might want to pick 'em up before continuing with Juggler of Worlds. That book's timeframe largely coincides with Bey's nifty adventures ("Wow! The hull just disappeared!") and that background would enhance Juggler considerably.
Incidentally, my original entry into Known Space -- as prodded and nurtured by a high-school friend, and it was devilishly effective -- was:
1. Neutron Star -- collection focused on Beowulf Schaeffer
2. Tales of Known Space -- another collection, but spans Known Space from near the beginning to the end
3. Ringworld -- easily one of the finest SF novels ever written...enhanced by a good background knowledge of Known Space and the wonderful alien species Niven populated it with.