Tigron of Immanion
I'm reading the first of the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan - The Eye of the World. So far, it's great!
Jordan actually paints a larger, more complex world than, say, Tolkien, so be prepared for it. There's a lot going on, a lot of complex linkages, prophecies and so on, but I loved the first few books.
Things slow down a great deal during the middle, but the last Jordan-written book, and the two most recent books by Brandon Sanderson, really tightened up the narrative pace.
New Spring, which is a prequel to Eye of the World, is also good, but I'd hold off on it for now since it may tip off some plot details down the line.
Almost done with Destroyer of Worlds, basically, I've gotten to the denoument.
GREAT book; I'll proceed directly to the sequel, Betrayer of Worlds, afterward.