Ken Luther
Seems like a lot of fantasy novel reading going on here.
You ain't kidding! I just got a confirmation e-mail that these books are now on the way from Science Fiction Book Club:
The Crippled God
Steven Erikson
Towers of Midnight
Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
The Gathering Storm
Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
Wizard by Trade (2-in-1)
Jim Butcher
Best Served Cold
Joe Abercrombie
The Heroes
Joe Abercrombie
I quit SFBC a while ago because their on-line ordering system kept pissing me off. But I figured I'd eventually start getting those offers to "rejoin and get lots of free books", and by the time I was ready to rejoin, most of the rest of the Wheel of Time and Malazan would be available. Like now!